8 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Ekonomi Generasi Z Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The objectives of this study are 1) Analyze the appropriate form of economic learning for generation Z; 2) Describe the appropriate learning techniques in the pandemic era for generation Z; 3) Compare the economic learning patterns before and after the Covid 19 pandemic;. The research method used is qualitative, with a descriptive approach using case studies in junior high schools (SMP), high schools (SMA) and universities in East Java province. The results show that 1) the right form of learning in generation Z is learning that utilizes digital technology whether it is carried out online, offline or blended learning. 2) Learning techniques in the pandemic era for generation Z are through recording, individual assignments ( self observation), projects / works, quizzes, live books, and group assignments. 3) Comparison of economic learning before the pandemic was carried out directly, while online-based economic learning after the Covid 19 pandemic was mostly conducted through the Learning Management System (LMS) and video conferencing. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17977/UM014v14i12021p8

    Upaya pelestarian budaya daerah melalui ekstrakurikuler seni tari bagi siswi di SDN 2 Gombang

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    Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan budaya seni tari tradisional di SDN 2 Gombang melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Metode pelaksanaan program dilakukan menyasar pada siswi kelas atas (kelas 4,5 dan 6). Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan mulai bulan Agustus sampai Desember 2021.  Pelaksanaan kegiatan merupakan gagasan sekolah bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa kampus mengajar Angkatan 2 sebagai instruktur. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tidak hanya  mengembangkan diri siswa, namun juga dapat mengekspresikan sikap cinta tanah air dan mengerti bahwa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, siswa wajib untuk melestarikan budaya daerah. Kegiatan diawali dengan observasi, penentuan rencana pengadaaan ekstrakurikuler tari, koordinasi dengan pihak sekolah dan wali kelas, penetapan target sasaran serta pelaksanaan program. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah show/penampilan ekstrakurikuler tari pada acara perpisahan kampus mengajar Angkatan 2. Berdasarkan wawancara yang dilakukan pihak yang terlibat pada beberapa peserta yang menjadi sasaran pelatihan, didapatkan masukan yang menyampaikan kebermanfaatan program pelatihan tersebut

    Permasalahan dan Solusi Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah di Kota Madiun

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    Islamic banks implement a new concept that is not the same as the concept that has been known and embraced by conventional banking. The rapid development of banking today is not matched by an increase in the quality of its services. Many banks are only concerned with services in certain aspects by ignoring other aspects of service. The objectives in this study are (1) to identify the problems faced; (2) identify development efforts made by Islamic banks in Madiun. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, by the descriptive method. Data processing techniques and checking the validity of the data is done by data triangulation techniques. Triangulation of data used in this study is the triangulation of methods and triangulation of theory. The results of the research findings state that the problems faced by Islamic banks in the city of Madiun in terms of HR and products. Problems in terms of HR include work motivation of employees, the level of public trust in Islamic banks is still low and the wrong mindset about Islamic banking. The problem in terms of products is the existence of miss perception of the contract between the customer and the bank. Development solutions carried out by banks through employee trainees and certification programs then conduct certification evaluations. In terms of products promoting the #ayohijrah program, and cooperating with basic Islam. In terms of services, there is a prizes savings program and ball pick-up strateg


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    The objectives of this research are to describe: (1) the development efforts of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises of teakwood handicraft in Bandar sub-village, Batokan village, Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro regency through the aspect of production to increase the community income; and (2) the development efforts of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises of teakwood handicraft in Bandar sub-village, Batokan village, Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro regency through the aspect of marketing to increase the community income. This research used the descriptive research method with the qualitative phenomonology approach.The samples of research were taken by using the purposive and snowball sampling techniques.The data of research were gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. They were validated by using source triangulation and method triangulation. The data were analyzed by using the interactive model of analysis comprising four components, namely: data gathering, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of research show that there are six development efforts of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises of teakwood handicraft in Bandar sub-village, Batokan village, Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro. This research conclude that: (1) In term of production aspect, the efforts include granting production aids by the government and conducting product innovations; and (2) In term of marketing, they include holding exhibitions, conducting comparative studies, conducting wood fair activities, and marketing the products through internet. The result of observation shows that the highest turnover average achieved by the micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises took place in 2013, that is, 4.01%, whereas the lowest turnover average persisted in 2011, that is, 0.81%. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the most strategic development efforts were applied in 2013. The efforts included product innovations, exhibitions, wood fair, and product marketing through internet.Keywords:     Qualitative phenomonology approach, purposive sampling techniques,   snowball sampling techniques,  production, and marketin


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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan di Desa Sidomulyo, Kecamatan Sawahan, Kabupaten Madiun berupa pendampingan penulisan proposal hibah dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Latar belakang melakukan kegiatan ini dikarenakan para pengrajin batik kurang memiliki pengetahuan tentang pembuatan proposal hibah dan usaha dari Kelompok  Batik Lestari ini ini masih skala mikro sehingga masih membutuhkan tambahan dana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menambah pengetahuan ibu- ibu pengrajin tentang cara mempersiapkan dan menulis proposal bantuan sehingga bisa lolos didanai. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan proposal dengan materi penyiapan syarat-syarat kelengkapan administrasi dan sistematika penulisan proposal agar lolos didanai. Hasil kegiatan berupa bukti kelengkapan administrasi di Kelompok Batik Lestari dan hasil berupa proposal Kemenparekraf yang sudah siap dikirim. Berdasarkan evaluasi bahwa usaha Kelompok Batik Lestari belum memiliki kelengkapan syarat administrasi


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    The objectives of this research is to describe: the development efforts of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises of teakwood handicraft in Bandar sub-village, Batokan village, Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro regency through the aspect of production and marketting to increase the community income. This research used the descriptive research method with the qualitative phenomonology approach.The samples of research were taken by using the purposive and snowball sampling techniques.The data of research were gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. They were validated by using source triangulation and method triangulation. The data were analyzed by using the interactive model of analysis comprising four components, namely: data gathering, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of research show that there are six development efforts of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises of teakwood handicraft in Bandar sub-village, Batokan village, Kasiman sub-district, Bojonegoro. This research conclude that: (1) In term of production aspect, the efforts include granting production aids by the government and conducting product innovations; and (2) In term of marketing, they include holding exhibitions, conducting comparative studies, conducting wood fair activities, and marketing the products through internet. The result of observation shows that the highest turnover average achieved by the micro-, small-, and medium-enterprises took place in 2013, that is, 4.01%, whereas the lowest turnover average persisted in 2011, that is, 0.81%. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the most strategic development efforts were applied in 2013. The efforts included product innovations, exhibitions, wood fair, and product marketing through internet. Keywords: Qualitative phenomonology approach, purposive sampling techniques, snowball sampling techniques, production, and marketin


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    Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi, numerasi serta mengembangkan budaya literasi numerasi di lingkungan sekolah SDN 2 Gombang. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan penyuluhan atau edukasi pentingnya literasi numerasi bagi siswa. donasi buku bacaan berkualitas, dan penambahan jam tambahan materi literasi dan numerasi di sekolah. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan secara kolaboratif oleh kelompok dosen dan mahasiswa kampus mengajar Angkatan 2 di SDN 2 Gombang selama 6 bulan mulai bulan Juli-Desember 2021. Subjek pengabdian adalah siswa kelas tinggi (4-6) untuk kegiatan penambahan jam materi literasi numerasi, sedangkan program donasi buku dan edukasi budaya literasi ditujukan untuk seluruh siswa. Pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu perencanaan, observasi, penentuan teknis pelaksanaan, pelaksanaan program dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang diperoleh telah berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan literasi siswa kelas 4-6, memperoleh donasi buku sebanyak 106 buku bacaan, dan mengimplementasikan budaya literasi pada siswa di lingkungan sekolah

    Pelatihan Strategi Business Model Canvas (BMC) pada Usaha Brem UD. Duta Rasa Madiun

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    The community service activities of the PGRI Madiun University team aim to (1) Educate business actors about the urgency of business development with the Business Model Canvas (BMC) strategy, (2) Establish company effectiveness through the implementation of the business model canvas. This community service activity uses the ABCD method. The service team empowers existing assets in UD. Duta Rasa and improve business management with BMC to create a good corporation. This activity was initiated by holding a business model canvas training as the implementation of a good corporation. The outputs of this research are articles, business model canvas (BMC) strategy flow, activity videos, and intellectual property rights/patents in the form of a Business Model Canvas (BMC) development manual at UD. Taste Ambassador. Based on interviews and observations conducted with the parties involved, business actors, and communities who were the target of the training, there was enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the target participants and the benefits of the training program